Picket Piece and Ox Drove Community Action Group

Walworth Playing Field

please click here to take the survey and express your views on the project to insist on walks and cycleways to school and the town from Picket Piece

This project seeks to develop the safe walking route from the Locksbridge Park estate along Ox Drove to the schools, the bus routes and the town.

A forrest walk and cycle path.

The above view has the proposed factories superimposed to show that the route we seek can be accomodated, easily, into that scheme

The routes exist, our aim is to lobby for their implementation to prevent our village becoming isolated from the main town for walking and cycling..

There exists in the ownership of the Test Valley Bprough Council forrested areas within which a path can be constructed to give the residents and their children safe walking and cycling.

  1. estabish the existing walk as an authorised and publicly maintained walk and cycleway.
  2. add new routes in teh existing forrest to theg shops atr Lidl and the bridge across Chruchill Way
  3. obtain a perimeter walk in the proposed forrested perimeter of the Walworth Playing Fields development from the outset of detailed planning application (imminent)
  4. Save the line of mature trees across the centre of the field. Curretly scheduled for destruction and planting of new trees (merely for the convenience of developres of the site).

The pictuire below is the proposed factory site at Walworth Playing Fields and it includes th ereservation of a perimeter forrested area within which a sdafe route can be implemented

Not confined to the past—we are passionate about the preservation of our established heritage and insist on being heard in the planning designs shaping our world.